The strenght

Cristina Jobs - Spain

The Strength represents the experience and struggle
of our elderly women. With their faces marked by the wrinkles of time and battle, they have enough strength left to reach out to us in any situation.

Her eyes, her breasts and every part of her represent the past, the present and also the future of our empathic, emotional and maternal nature.

Coming out of the canons of beauty imposed, The Strength is represented as a natural woman, for that purpose, for its creation, molds of more than 10 real women have been used, integrated and combined with each other, so the sculpture not only represents our older women, they are also part of it.

For them, we will continue to build bridges so that we can walk on the path of hope and equality. This will undoubtedly be the best legacy we can leave to future generations.



Данни на творбата

Скулптура - Друго
Размер на Творбата - Ш. 48 | В. 172 | Д. 75
Създаден на 10 Август 2021

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