Родена в: Yamanashi-Ken (Japan) на 18 Декември 1953.
Понастоящем живея в: Hawaii (United States of America).
Дейност: Живопис; Скулптура; смес Медия;
Sachiko Furuya, originally from Yamanashi Prefecture on the west side of Mount Fuji, is another local potter whose work has been highly collected among WaSabiDou and Charaku customers at Seattle Washington. They are elegant while still allowing the nature of the materials show through. Lately, Artist has been working with Shino, Iron, copper glaze, and couple different grazes creating fine glaze techniques on her tea bowls and dishes.
Background and Training
There, Artist studied pottery with Yukio Matsuura, making primarily tea wares for practitioners of the Omotesenke School of Tea. She also attended the College of Arts at Nihon University (Tokyo,) Suidobata Fine Arts Academy (Tokyo,) and has a Studio Art degree from Clark College in Dubuque, Iowa. She has exhibited her work in galleries and museums in the United States and Japan. She also owned and operated her own gallery in Edmonds, WA from 1997-2000. Currently, she resides near Honolulu, HI where she continues her study and growth as an artist, and privately teaches ceramics and oil painting to others interested in developing their artistic skills.
Rock ford Art Museum, Rock ford, Illinois, 1993
Dubuque Art Museum, Dubuque, Iowa, 1993-94
Yamanashi Prefecture Competition 1976-90
Group Show in Kapolei Public Library 2017
Group Show in Hawaii State Library 2016-2017
Group Show in Art Exchange Gallery 2013
Group Show in Art Gallery 1998-2000
Group Show in Antioch University 2004, 2007, 2009
Group Show in Shoreline Community College Gallery, 2004
Group Show in Dubuque Museum, 1993-94
Group Show in Agora Gallery, New York, NY, 1993-99
Group show in Monteselert Gallery, New York, NY, 1994-2000
Group Show in Ymanashi Prefecture Community Center, 1975-1980
Ceramic and oil painting Teacher, Private Teacher (out of home). Shoreline, WA, July 2000- 2010.
Concentrated teach in traditional Japanese ceramic techniques provide students with space, materials and firing kilns; Teach Japanese art history, tea flower arrangements, lead students in critiques and help build professional artist skills.
Ceramic and oil painting Teacher, Private Teacher (out of home). Edmonds, WA, July 1997-2000.
Provide instruction in traditional Japanese ceramic techniques and oil painting once a week to an average of six students; provide students with space, materials and firing kilns; lead students in critiques and help build professional artist skills.
Kasugai Long Term Care Facility, Kasugai, Yamanashi, Japan – Art Instructor, 1985 – 1987
Counseled hand build techniques and stress reduction.
Instructor of ceramics, dying and weaving wool.
Kyoritsu Rehabilitation Hospital, Kasugai, Yamanashi, Japan – Art Instructor, 1985 – 1987
Counseled hand build techniques in ceramics for stress reduction.
Counseled therapeutic exercise utilizing ceramics.
Articles Stranger 2010
Soho NYC 1997-99
Arts Journal 1997-98
Shirokiya Department Store 2013
Wasabidou Art Gallery 1999 – Present
Agora Gallery 1993-1999