Jyotika vijay


    Родена в: New delhi (India) на 1 Март 1992.

    Понастоящем живея в: New delhi (India).

    Живопис; Фотография; Скулптура; Дигитална Графика; смес Медия;


    Jyotika Sharma is a young,Graduate in BFA (Visual Communication) form College of Art, New
    Delhi, an aspiring artist, who interprets nature, love and beauty that surrounds us and rests

    within us, through their art.

    I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them. It doesn’t matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said. On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting. When I’m painting, I’m not aware of what I’m doing. It’s only after a get acquainted period that I see what I’ve been about. I’ve no fears about making changes for the painting has a life of its own.”





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