Don't fantasize


Series "(In)Secutity: Throughout our lives, we strive for a secure job, a secure home, a secure relationship, a secure friendship, secure existence…

Is it possible for one to attain certainty as a state, or is our mere feeling sufficient? Is there anything at all certain in this life, except that at some point it ends?

Trying to preserve our mortal being as long as possible, we are able to “wrap” in protective bubbles every fragile part of ourselves. We protect our fragile compromised fragments that once betrayed us and pile on the still healthy and intact ones. We build our lives like a huge bubble in which we try not to allow anything sharp and jagged that might burst it.

But by using so many safeguards and methods, don’t we become even more fragile and vulnerable? Isn’t it better to face the edges directly while smoothing them out than to hope that the sharp tip doesn’t break through our defenses and damage us? If we just guard against everything bad, we are not really doing anything good… You need to cut yourself to see how you heal. You have to break yourself to be able to put yourself back together. You need to get muddled to feel the true sense of security. A state where nothing can hurt you.”


Artwork Details

Painting - Acrylic
Artwork Size - Width 180 | Height 110 |
Created in 2024

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