Monkey's Eye - eye on you

Becky Kwan - Australia

“The eyes are the windows to the soul.”  Looking into the eye of whether a human, animal or nature, it tells the story of themselves – i.e. their feelings, thoughts and emotions. 

This piece of work uses brushes and knives on canvas.  The colours of the monkey’s eye are inspired by the main character “Monkey King” in the Journey to the West.  His sharp eyes have made his character dynamic and playful.  This piece is to show the eye of a monkey in the form of abstract art.

Selecting a small square canvas is to break with tradition that big art is the better.



Details des Kunstwerks

Malerei - Acryl
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 10.2 | Höhe 10.2 | Tiefe 0.3
Erstellt am 25 November 2023

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