
i sleep naked

This creation is inspired by the love letters between Camille Claudel and Rodin. The reading of these passionate letters with their dramatic outcome literally made me fall in love with Camille Claudel. Touched to the core of my being, with tears in my eyes, I decided to create a series inspired by this story by imagining a relationship between an artist and his muse. To do this, I shared with the model the writings of the lovers. I posted them in the studio when we were making this series. No doubt somewhere Camille saw us. I hope so.
"I sleep naked to make myself believe that you are there
 but when I wake up, it's not the same. 
I kiss you. 
 Please don't cheat on me again."
limited edition of 7 copies

Details des Kunstwerks

Fotografie - Digital
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 1 | Höhe 60 | Tiefe 90
Erstellt am 15 Februar 2018

Kunstwerk Preis

2000 €

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