Born in: Seoul (Korea (south)) on 20 October 1964.
Currently living: Seoul (Korea (south)).
Son Eun Young
BFA in Western Painting, College of Fine Arts, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
Studies photographic design at the Graduate School of Industrial Arts, Hongik University, Seoul
Solo Exhibitions
2021 The 2nd FNK Photography Award Winner Exhibition, Kumbosung Art Center, Seoul
The Houses at Night, Gallery The Beam, Daejeon
2020 The Houses at Night, Gallery Bresson, Seoul
People I Met on the Road, Gallery Bresson, Seoul
2019 The Black House, Gallery Bresson, Seoul
2018 The Underground, 2018 Sky Plaza Gallery Special Exhibition, Sky Plaza Gallery, Seoul
2011 Urban Murals, Galley Lux, Seoul
Selected Group Exhibitions
2019 Urban Regeneration, SeMA Bunker, Seoul
My hometown that I lived in, Ryugaheon, Seoul
2018 Parks in the City, SeMA Bunker, Seoul
My hometown that I lived in, Ryugaheon, Seoul
2017 Seoul, Take Today, SeMA Warehouse, Seoul
2011 Wild Grass, Topohaus, Seoul
2020 The Houses at Night, Noonbit
2021 The Houses at Night, NAMIB
Contact Information