The work consists of digital illustration, augmented reality AR, and computer animation that works by AI. A homage or tribute to the work of the artist Rene Magritte "The Treachery of Images" in which a realistic painting of a pipe is seen and below it the caption "This is not a pipe" in French in 1929. Magritte intended to show that even the most realistic representation of any object is mere representation. The exhibition "This is not ART" presents images of eight famous artists with the caption This is not and the name of the artist above them. After scanning the works in the augmented reality app, the work comes to life and begins to speak. Every artist declares in a mechanical voice, using AI technology, that they are not what they are. The celeb culture has turned the artists featured in the work into cultural heroes. In this work, through animation and sound dressing, the work takes on an artificial and representative dimension, the artists eliminate the icon of who they are and call on the audience to look at the art and not at who created it. The name of the exhibition "This is not ART" declares that it is not art and thus raises a basic question that has occupied artists since Aristotle in "The Cave Parable" to this day - whether art is truth or fiction.