Elsa Robinson


    Born in: Toronto (Canada) on 2 June 1958.

    Currently living: Edmonton (Canada).

    Mix Media;


     lsa Robinson - Visual Artist

    At the beginning of her art career, Elsa worked as a self-taught artist. After some time, she returned to the University of Alberta to complete the Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design.


    Since 2006, Elsa’s acrylic paintings, mixed media collage and sculptures have been featured in exhibitions in Edmonton, Spruce Grove and Sherwood Park. Her work addresses themes of identity, family, history and spirituality. Elsa designs and teaches art workshops for children and adults.


    “Breathing is dipping a brush into paint and applying that paint to a surface to create energy and movement and form; adding collage using paper or other objects and weaving through realism and abstraction to create the images emerging from my soul. Breathing is moulding images from plaster or clay … feeling them evolve and seeing them take on life. 


    Making art is my greatest joy! It is a way for me to share beauty, positive energy and hope with the world. For me, each piece of art I complete is a challenge, a birthing, a joy! … 


    The journey continues!”






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