
Raudi Malerei


Né en: Dannenberg (Germany) , le 11 juillet 1972.

Vivant actuellement à: Bad Bevensen (Germany).



has made noise in the arts community with his vegan-friendly, NO DEKO approach on abstract paintings as well as on Audio Art, Objects and Installations.

Intense and in-your-face, RAUDIMALEREI's art is designed to grab your attention and shake you up. To try and find the Reason within the Remix of reality.

No need for you to take a deep breath and ponder if you get it  – no, no, no! You don’t need to get IT, you will see and feel it.

Prepare yourself for a loud and vibrant Artist who celebrates the connection between Art and connectable Open Mind structures.

RAUDIMALEREI's work is fearless, lucent and absolutely unmissable.


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