

My artistic work is composed of a series of representations, based on the translation of different moments, influences and observations, with themes that involve, environments, landscapes, peoples and objects located both in my internal and external imaginary that I develop through painting. From the above, a synergy is created between both worlds that allow me to create two-dimensional images and textile volumes that besides tensing the real and the fictitious, move between figurative and abstraction through the use of a wide chromatic range.

Detalji umjetničkog djela

Slikarstvo - Ulje
Veličina umjetničkog djela - Širina 200 | Visina 100 | Dubina 4

Cijena umjetničkog djela

3500 €

Trenutno vlasništvo nad umjetničkim djelom

Nadra Jacob

Ostanite obavješteni o Yicca mogućnostima i novim natječajima