
Blue Bayou

Blue Bayou

This canvas is inspired by the silky colors of the Bayou, a subtle blend of the fusion of the different shades of blue, mauve, green and gray present in this natural environment.

Original artwork signed P. Joosten at the front and at the back.
Acrylic on canvas, dimensions 95 x 95 x 4 cm.
Sold with invoicve and certificate of authenticity

2022 – October 28th

Patrick Joosten

Patrick Joosten

Zbirka umjetničkih djela:

» Abstract Art

Detalji umjetničkog djela

Slikarstvo - Akril
Veličina umjetničkog djela - Širina 95 | Visina 95 | Dubina 4
Izrađeno je 28 Listopad 2022

Cijena umjetničkog djela

2800 €

Trenutno vlasništvo nad umjetničkim djelom

Patrick Joosten

Ostanite obavješteni o Yicca mogućnostima i novim natječajima