Doctor Feel good

Mikala Valeur - Denmark

Doctor Feel Good, is a work which aims to bring focus, to doctors that prescribe medication without properly evaluating the patient's condition. This is in thread with the recent debate regarding doctors who prescribe more Wegovy for weight loss purposes than for diabetic purposes. This is in turn a problem, since it leads to diabetics missing out on Wegovy.

Constructions: Collage Construction with objet trouvés nailed on a canvas, with a plywood board behind.
Materials: Paper, ruber, metal, hardpaper, brass
Year: 2022 meassures : h 100 x w: 72 Price: 4050 euro ( for sale)


작품 정보

혼합 미디어 - 기타
작품 크기 - 가로 72 | 높이 100 | 세로 4
에서 제작 2022

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