
Hernan Bravin


에서 태어남 Villa Maria (Argentina) 에 4 6월 1975.

에 현재 거주 Villa Maria (Argentina).

활동 :

Hernan Bravin
06/04/1975 I was born in Villa Maria. Cordova. Argentina
I grew up in a large family where art was in the air from my childhood... my father, a draftsman, painter and music teacher, made my house a place where brushes and instruments were commonplace...
Drawing in my childhood was a beautiful pastime where people played with drawing...
Over time and in my adolescence I made drawings of landscapes or what I was looking at during class hours and gave them to my classmates... then I never drew again... until mid-2018... one afternoon, immersed in enormous sadness, I remembered the beautiful afternoons at my house as a child with my brother who died in 2017... and I also remembered a chat with him, where as a joke/seriously he reminded me of how nice we drew as kids and why I never did it again...
It was there where I ran to look for paper, a pencil... an eraser and I started...
As the days went by, that part of me that had been dormant for so long began to blossom... many who saw my work liked it and encouraged me to advance... I improved a lot in terms of techniques... Materials and watching videos of cartoonists from around the world... I do not have any academic training... I am entirely self-taught...
My work opened unexpected doors for me and I discovered in art a beautiful way to express myself.
In 2020 Vm.. cultural plant offered me to do a one-month exhibition.
2020 I also participated in an illustration contest of Andean guardianships organized by the University of Villa María in conjunction with the University of Madrid. Where I was selected with second place.
In 2021, and now emerging from the pandemic, the Pato Pampa company offered me to take a portrait of two top-level car racers in Argentina where on the date of national tourism class 3 in Rosario, on the starting grid I gave them the paintings televised on public television.
2021 My work was selected in the Kolaborart contest in Miami, USA in conjunction with the Fangio foundation and the Fangio museum with the work Basta by Lewis Hamilton. Today it is on display in the museum.


2022 take a diploma in cultural management, policies and praxis. Taught by the provincial university of Cordoba. UPC and FAD Faculty of Art and Design.

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