
Media campfire

Information comes to us in the morning and we consume it until late at night. The media are constantly throwing news into the fire from which we are trying to keep warm. The media know everything and penetrate everywhere. Media news are burning in our minds , flying away like sparks from a fire,, leaving only smoke.
This is what my picture about.
I was inspired by a phrase "the burning of ethers". The concept of this picture was born due to the fact that this news was in all media and due to the fact that information can be burned.
The painting was made on canvas with acrylic paints using fluid art technique and with the application of texture, painted with acrylic.
Size 50 cvх70 см

Dane pracy

Malarstwo - Akryl
Wymiary pracy - S 50 | W 70 | G 2
Utworzony 11 czerwiec 2021

Cena pracy

1200 €

Obecna własność pracy


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