
Are you see the drone ? Amgad Edward

Do you see the drone? – Do you see the drone? – oil on canvas – 2022 – Amgad Edward – 360° Collection

I created something completely new. It has never been shown in the art scene before
As everything around us becomes mobile and fast and the lifestyle is full of renewal.
Our new life inspired me the importance of painting moving and rotating around its center in a complete circle.
And I saw that this circular movement breaks the boredom, attracts attention and gives life to the work.

Подробная информация о произведении искусства

Живопись - Масла
Размер произведения - Ширина 80 | Высота 80 | Глубина 3
Создано 9 январь 2021

Цена работы

2000 €

Текущее право собственности на произведение искусства

Amgad Edward

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