
"Chloe's journey through time and space"

"Chloe's journey through time and space" This oil painting was inspired by Greek mythology and depicts the journey of Chloe, a mortal who sets out on an incredible adventure through time and space.
As she travels, Chloe encounters various Greek gods and goddesses who guide her on her journey. From Athena, the goddess of wisdom, to Apollo, the god of the sun, each encounter brings Chloe closer to her ultimate goal.
The painting captures the beauty and wonder of Greek mythology, with its intricate stories and unforgettable characters. It was a joy to create and I hope it inspires others to explore the myths and legends of ancient Greece.

Подробная информация о произведении искусства

Живопись - Смешанная техника
Размер произведения - Ширина 80 | Высота 60 | Глубина 2
Созданная в 2023

Цена работы

800 €

Текущее право собственности на произведение искусства

artist's studio


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