
The Matrix

The Matrix
Colors from which something else is born and takes the form of a mass of rock in which precious stones, crystals are embedded and fixed in a matrix.
Original artwork signed P. Joosten ATIM'S Top 60 Masters at the front and at the back.
Acrylic on canvas, dimensions 80 x 80 x 4 cm.
Sold with invoice and certificate of authenticity
2022 – June 28th

Patrick Joosten

Patrick Joosten

Колекция произведения:

» Abstract Art

Подробная информация о произведении искусства

Живопись - Акриловые
Размер произведения - Ширина 80 | Высота 80 | Глубина 4
Создано 28 июнь 2022

Цена работы

2400 €

Текущее право собственности на произведение искусства

patrick Joosten

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