YICCA - International Prize of Contemporary Art

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The competition's aim is to promote the enrolled artist, giving them chance to join the international market of contemporary art.

This aim will be pursued by taking advantage of the opportunities that the contest offers:

  • Euro 3000,00 (three thousand/00) money prize to the first selected
  • Euro 1000,00 (one thousand/00) money prize to the second selected
  • exhibit the selected artworks in a exhibition space, determined by competition.
  • improvement of the relationship between finalists and critics, curators, gallery owners, public and private art institutions that will have access to this important exhibition.
  • maximum visibility through the advertising campaign that will follow the competition and all its stages
  • the works of selected artists will be published on "YICCA" catalogue which will be distributed free of charge to the finalists and will be available for professionals and institutions invited during the inauguration of the event.

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There are no special qualifications requiered for entry.
The contest is open to all artists or groups of artists and professionals from any country.

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All kinds of art works are accepted, including video, installations and performances.
All works will be presented by a picture or a video that must be followed by a description of the work. The limit size of the artworks entered must be a maximum of 3 x 3 meters.
All works must be available for the final exhibition and have to be artist's property.

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  • April 30, 2025: Applications deadline
  • May 21, 2025: Notification of winning artworks

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The composition of the jury will be published on the official website www.yicca.org before
the subscriptions deadline.
The jury will select 18 artists for the final exhibition.

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From the final 18 artists participating in the exhibition will be announced first and second ranked who will win a prize of 3000 (three thousand/00) and 1000 (one thousand/00) euro.

The names of those two artists will be published on the official website www.yicca.org in the last day of the exhibition.

The jury will also have to select supply artists in case there are artists selected from more than one juror. The jury verdict upon the winners is irrevocable.

The date of the opening will be published on the official website www.yicca.org before the subscriptions deadline.

The date of the last day of the exhibition will be published on the official website www.yicca.org before the subscriptions deadline.

Selected artists will be contacted for the preparation and submission of material for the final catalogue as well as for the preparation and submission of the works immediately after the final selections.

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Money prize winners will be elected in accordance with their artworks overall rating, assigned by the jury, the association and the gallery that will host the exhibition.

The range of the rating scale is from 1 to 10 points.

Rating system is formed in the following ratio:1/3 of the score is given by the jury, 1/3 by A.p.s. Moho Association and 1/3 by the gallery.

Each juror will give a score from 1 to 10 per each artwork. Then we will take the average score given by all jurors that will represent 1/3 of the total score.

The association will give a score from 1 to 10 per each artwork and it will be 1/3 of the total score.

The gallery will give a score from 1 to 10 per each artwork and it will represent 1/3 of the total score.

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At the day of the end of the exhibition, which is also the day in which we will announce first and second ranked artist, we will sent to money prize winners a certificate with the total amount of the prize, personal datas of winners and terms of payment.

That certificate will be sent via fax/email and has to be signed by the winners, and returned again via fax/email. Payment will be proceeded within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the signed certificate by Aps Moho association

The money prize is offered by the main Sponsor and will be made by the Sponsor itself only by bank transfer to the account specified by the winners.

Cash prizes for artists, as per Presidential Decree n. 430/2001 (art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a), are to be considered as recognition of personal and artistic merit or competitions held for the production of artistic works, excluded from the application of the regulations on prize competitions.

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The final exhibition will take place in a European city.

The place of the exhibition will be published on the official website www.yicca.org before the subscriptions deadline.

The exhibition will be organized by Moho Association staff, in cooperation with competent jury.

The set-up and the arrangement of works will be chosen by Moho's staff in total indipendence on the basis of spaces and types of works.

Any eventual insurance of works during the period of exhibition shall be charged to artists.

With the registration the artist take on all responsibility for any theft or damage of the works entrusted to Moho Association during the entire period of the competition, including delivery. Aps Moho will not be responsible for any damage, theft or loss of the works.

Moho Association undertake to manage in the best way and to take care of all the winning artworks.

The exhibition will be open to the public on the inauguration day and will remain open throughout the entire period according to the schedule (opening and closing time) of the hosting gallery.

At the opening will be invited collectors, press, art professionals, art lovers and, of course, the winners and the members of the jury. The opening will be accompanied by a buffet.

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All information about terms and conditions of subscription is published on the official website www.yicca.org.

To register please complete the registration form on the official website www.yicca.org/subscribe

Any subscription requests received by postal mail and/or through email will not be taken into account.

Before forwarding of registration it will be necessary to choose a method of entry fee payment. Participation fees must be paid before the final selections. Participation fees are non-refundable, even in the case of non-selection.

Registration sent will be held in stand-by by the system until payment of the quote is made.

After submitting the registration form, it can't be changed.

The subscription fees depend on the number of submitted works:

1 artwork: 50,00€ - 2 artworks: 80,00€ - 3 artworks: 110,00€ - 4 artworks: 130,00€ - 5 artworks: 145,00€ - 6 artworks: 160,00€

The available payment methods are:

  • Credit card, prepaid credit card or PayPal circuit card

  • Bank transfer
    On the IBAN: IT95M0760112300001002028213
    BANK: Poste Italiane
    Beneficiary: Massimo Toffolo - Aps MOHO

    Remember to indicate in the section “reason for payment” the same name and surname of the artist or the same group name that was used for registration, and the reference number given by the system.

    The registration on the official website www.yicca.org occurs only upon receipt of the copy of payment transfer by fax or email. Copy of transfer payment can be sent by:
    e-mail at: check@yicca.org

Registration will be published on the official website at the end of the verification process.

Registrations not completed with payment of registration fee, will be deleted from the system and not published on the official website.

For delays (more than 7 working days) in the publication of the registered works( having already completed the payment and send a copy of payment) the artists are invited to contact the administration office at check@yicca.org to solve any problem and loss of data.

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Pictures are loaded automatically through the registration form on the official website.

Pictures can be uploaded with formats: jpg or gif.


It is required to send a (still) video frame for preview in formats: jpg or gif.

The video has to be uploaded on vimeo.com

The system provides automatic resizing of frame for presentation in the preview pages.

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The winning artists must submit the following documents to allow the printing of catalogue, in time for the opening day:

  • two pictures of the winning work (whole and detailed) in jpg or gif format.
  • a photo of the artist in jpg or gif format.
  • description of the work (1500 types maximum), including title, technique, year, etc.
  • artist’s curriculum vitae (2500 types maximum)

All materials must be send to: catalogue@yicca.org

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The delivery of the selected for the exhibition works from the place of origin to the place of the exhibition shall be paid by the artists.

Address indications of the place of the exhibition and agreements on sending and withdrawaling of works will be made individually between the selected artists and the staff after the vote results.

Works must arrive properly packaged.

Special issues and arrangements regarding installation of works at the exhibition will be agreeded individually between the staff of Aps Moho association and artists. All the artworks not withdrawn by the artists within 6 months of the end of the final exhibition can no longer be withdrawn or claimed.

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The press folder of Yicca competition, includingwith contacts, presentation and logo in jpg format, is available on the official website www.contest.yicca.org.

Moho Aps Association authorizes everyone to download this press folder and publish the content and logo of the competition on all the media channels including press and internet.

Further details and information kit can be requested on e-mail: press@yicca.org

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Filling in the subscription form on the official website www.yicca.com, the artists accept the policy contained in this notice, including all the articles.

The artists authorize Moho Aps Association to process personal data, according to the italian law 675/96 and subsequent amendments.

Personal data and pictures sent must be used for purposes concerning the competition YICCA. Data of participants as well as pictures of their works will not be sold to third parties or published for commercial purposes.

Artists are entirely responsible for the content of the pictures or text submitted for publication on the competition website, and subsequently for publication in the catalogue.

Moho A.p.s. Association reserves the right to remove any content unsuitable for the competition, unless a writing request by the artists is presented.

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Moho A.p.s. association reserves the right to insert corrections to this announcement, useful for better development of the competition.

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