Electric Sheep

Kelsey Sasser - United States of America

Light, color, and imagination are the essence of this series. How our eyes perceive light and shadow are transformed as the camera's eye captures and freezes a specific moment in time. These images are once in a life time shots -a slight movement of hand, camera, or the lights and the moment is lost forever. Two people can go into a studio with the exact same conditions and their results will always be different. It is a highly personal process and the creation is as unique as individual thumb prints. None of my images were created with AI, they are all a product of a camera, lights, and color gels. Abstract paintings were my influence and while light painting is a technique in photography, this is a completely different form of light “painting.”


Details des Kunstwerks

Fotografie - Digital
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 61 | Höhe 91 | Tiefe .64
Erstellt am 2 Januar 2024

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