Series of 3 works "Symphony of Light"

Ekaterina Kunshina - Canada

In this series I aimed to explore the connection between light and existence. Light as the very essence of existence, the movement of matter beyond the boundaries of the material world, became the central motif that permeates each work.
Drawing inspiration from the timeless beauty of ancient Greek sculpture, particularly the image of Apollo, I sought to create a dialogue between the modern world and the eternal. The Apollo mask is a homage to ancient Greek sculpture, which serves as a bridge between the past and the present, between modernity and the eternal.
The inclusion of mirrors invites viewers to contemplate an alternate reality, encouraging them to look beyond it.
Each painting serves as a reflection on the interaction of light, time and the eternal search for the depth and meaning of the universe.


Details des Kunstwerks

Gemischte Medien - Sonstige
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 91 | Höhe 91 | Tiefe 14
Erstellt am 10 April 2024

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