The Erosion of Mind

Damjan Popelar - Slovenia

The Erosion of Mind

The uniform architecture of the vertical city is being reshaped by erosive power of water. This fluid substance unpredictably dissolves the building structure, crumbling it and transporting the eroded material away. Its action is a complementary contrast to the linear, vertical logic of intellect. The element of water is an irrational, emotional force of nature, a beautiful counterbalance to hegemony of human nature.

mixed media (layered glass, fibreboard, paint, paper), dim 45x 60x 8.0cm



Details des Kunstwerks

Gemischte Medien - Sonstige
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 45 | Höhe 60 | Tiefe 8
Erstellt am 28 April 2024

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