

“Our hearts are sad hearts, … but there are lights in the harbor, that passenger can disembark, To warm up our sad hearts.” (Lili Novy)

Memorial clock Lili - League of Lovely Laziness, an omage to Slovenian noir poet (Lili Novy 1885-1958), a fouder of protest art group againt all forms of fearness, called League of Lovely Laziness: Body made selected laminated brich, rich black painted, with 95 Pink Gold Swarovski glass cristals; fine cutout brass clock rosete; winding clock mechanism

Details des Kunstwerks

Skulptur - Holz
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 34 | Höhe 47 | Tiefe 12
Erstellt am 10 Oktober 2019

Kunstwerk Preis

4200 eur €

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