

Franja's brave heart strugleing a war for lifes of exhousing bodies of her brothers in arms. Love that can not dissapear in the wind fighting an unequal fight for more then 800 wounded, from lines of beeding nations, and save them out of death's hug.

Memorial clock Franja – A heart bigger then war, is dedicated to slovenian partisan doctor dr. Franja Bojc Bidovec (1913-1985), a prime doctor of legendary partisan hospital Franja, works in years 1943-45, durig second World War. Today is registrate at UNESCO world cultural haritage, as a monument of humanity: laminated brich; fine cutout brass; Guilloche style engraved brass; semi precious stone Black moon; winding clock mechanism; clock hands type Stag Beetlez.

Details des Kunstwerks

Skulptur - Holz
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 35 | Höhe 25 | Tiefe 14
Erstellt am 2 August 2014

Kunstwerk Preis

3500 eur €

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