

In daze yearn she abandoned her little baby at the coast and she step on deck to deceitful happiness. Now Beauty Vida recognize her fateful aberration then hide tears in hands and black bird cover her soul.

Allegorical clock (beauty) Vida — based on folk poem Beautyful Vida - A story about the mass emigration of women from Gorizia, who were employed as nurses and maids in Egypt, began in the second half of the 19th century: laminated oak; laminated birch; Guilloche style engraved brass; semi precious stone Black moon; winding clock mechanism; clock hands type Flavoured.

Details des Kunstwerks

Skulptur - Holz
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 45 | Höhe 26 | Tiefe 8
Erstellt am 13 Dezember 2010

Kunstwerk Preis

2700 eur €

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