
"Rain of love"

"Rain of love" has not regretted all this. The regret of all the restlessness, longings and dreams gone to the wind... Longing for a world that has turned gray and no longer has that happy face in it. A world where children don't laugh and are sad... "Rain of love" is a heart that no longer fits in anyone's chest and beats above. It blows, rains, roars... To save the children, to escape from this damn gray... that the world lacks many things without children and those innocent looks, its pulse does not beat, it does not laugh

Details des Kunstwerks

Malerei - Bleistift
Kunstwerk Größe - Breite 80 | Höhe 40 | Tiefe 2
Erstellt am 2 Februar 2024

Kunstwerk Preis

3000 €

Derzeitiges Eigentum an dem Kunstwerk

Mohammad yaghootimoghadam

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