
Sum Chi Ng

에서 태어남 China 에 15 12월 1990.

에 현재 거주 QUARRY BAY (Hong Kong).

활동 : 페인팅 ; 사진 ; 디지털 그래픽 ; 애니메이션 ; 기타 ;

Ng Sum Chi is now studying in Royal College of Art for Master Degree. He received his BA Visual Arts from the Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014. His works had been exhibited in Dresden(Germany), Nagoya(Japan), London(United Kingdom) and Hong Kong. In 2014, His works were finalised by the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award and First Smash 2 Art Project. At the same time, he also was selected to be a residential artist in London(Royal Academy of art). In 2016, his works had been shown in Young Talent Hong Kong.


Ng has been traveling to different countries for art residence and exchange program over the past few years for his art adventure. Nature seems to be unseparated with his work, as he believes that it is the beginning and end of all life forms. By exploring and experimenting different materials with his art, Ng is trying to recreate and interpret the connection between nature and him. He traces the gracefulness of nature and transform into his brushstrokes, awakening the soul from our overdeveloped city. Now he works and lives in Hong Kong as a full-time artist.


吳森枝現就讀英國皇家藝術學院碩士課程,於2014年獲香港浸會大學視覺藝術院頒視覺藝術(榮譽)文學士學位。吳氏於 2012年及2013 年分別在德國德累斯頓及日本名古屋展出作品。2014年入圍香港視覺藝術獎(前身為香港當代藝術獎)及藝術創庫基金舉辦的《初試啼聲2》藝術計劃。同年前往英國倫敦作駐留藝術家,作品於英國皇家藝術學院展出。2016年,作品獲選於Young Talent Hong Kong展出。現居住在香港的本地藝術家。


吳於過去幾年曾經到不同的國家遊歷並進行創作,吸收各種養份。「自然」恍惚一直跟他的作品有著密不可分的關係,作者相信那是一切生命的起源跟終結,他透過運用不同物料的狀態與文化,呈現每種物料靈魂的存在,從而表達現代社會與自然之間的關係。 作者捕捉自然的種種微妙,表現在畫布上,為我們過度發展的城市喘一口氣,也讓觀眾找回自身與自然的聯繫。

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