
Be an Eagle

I lovely worked into this piece, adding shadow ,pencil strokes and light to depict my eagle .I’ve used acrylic paint to create more shadow also.I so much love this painting because it came from an inspiration I got about been an artist ....This piece made me understand my purpose of been an artist ...This realization came that as an artist no matter the storm I have to keep my head up high and spread my wings like an eagle ,I’m here to give colour to the world , I am creating a big bright colourful painting full of hope, enthusiasm and energy. It is an ideal massive piece of bold art for confidence minds .

Detalles de la obra

Pintura - Lápiz
Tamaño de la obra - Anch 24 | Alt 45 | Prof 12

Precio de la obra

$150 €

Propiedad actual de la obra

Samuel Toba

Manténgase informado sobre las oportunidades Yicca