
Hanna Kebbede - United States of America

Cesaria Evora is my all time favorite singer. Her YouTube channels are my go to listening music when I work and when I play. In watching her performances to highly enthusiastic live audiences, I recognized she hardly ever smiled. Even though I don’t speak Portuguese, I can understand that her music is about love, loss, life, and her country. I’ve often wondered what kind of tragedies she must have faced as a child and what losses she experienced as an adult. This piece took many hours and was done over a long period of time. It is my homage to Cesaria Evora and an expression of my love and respect for her.




ミックスメディア - その他
芸術作品のサイズ - 幅 743 | 高さ 1033 |
作成日 2 十二月 2019
