
Identity Spectra 2

In the Identity Spectra series, I've delved into the pulsating heart of pop art, invoking its vibrant spirit to probe the veneer of identity in our media-saturated era. Repetition and chromatic boldness, are an homage to the movement's icons, a dance of form and hue that speaks to the mass production of imagery and self.

I explore the curated facades we present to the world, a commentary on the obscured truths behind our public personas. The vibrant spectacles act as both a barrier and a filter, skewing the reality that lies beyond their tinted perception.

Each color iteration unveils a spectrum of societal views, challenging the monochrome of identity and celebrating its multifaceted nature. I play with geometric shapes, as a metaphor for societal constraints on individuality.

My art is a mirror, reflecting the tension between individuality and the collective, the personal and the political, the seen and the unseen.



ディジタルグラフィックス - ジェネラティブグラフィックス
