Amalia Cioaba


    Родена на: 18 Април 1979.

    Понастоящем живея в: Bucharest (Romania).

    Живопис; Фотография; Инсталация;


    I have a BA in Journalism and an MA in Management and Business Communication, with over 10 years of working experience in related fields.

    As an artist, I have been active since 2011, when I had my debut exhibition. So far, I have participated in 3 exhibition in Romania and one international exhibition in Berlin.

    Following an online course on introduction in design delivered by the Academy of Design and Visual Arts in Catania, Italy, I scored the highest number of votes in a student worldwide competition and was featured, together with some of my colleagues, in an exhibition at the Berlin University of the Arts. 

    Following the exhibition in Berlin, I was invited to create a new project with forks to be exhibited in Italy. I am now part of the permanent exhibition at the Academy of Design and Visual Arts in Catania

    My main interest in visual arts concerns painting, but I also experienced making installations and composition in photography.

    As an artist, I sign my work with the name Cema.






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