Lucas luminnari


    Роден в: Montes Claros (Brazil) на 30 Март 1993.

    Понастоящем живея в: Mirabela (Brazil).


    The beginning of my artistic career takes place between the time when as a child I expressed myself through modeling and drawings - and I demonstrated a certain ease in geometry, and the moment when I started to graduate in Interior Design - and I was able to have a greater contact with the formal aspects of art and an authorial artistic production. I consider the period of social isolation, caused by the covid-19 pandemic, essential for my journey, in which I had the possibility of immersing myself in my production and articulating theoretical currents, which I have studied and experienced for some time. Since then, I have been experiencing healing through alternative therapies that make use of sacred symbols, crystals, and chromotherapy that have influenced the materiality of my artwork.

    My research takes place in the field of nature and mysticism and has a deep connection with physics and technology, due to my extensive professional experience with engineering and automation projects. Through the interlocution between these fields, I experiment with mirrors, glasses, led, acrylics, crystals, cold porcelain and woods, and crystals with their potential to balance the energy fields around them. I try, then, to awaken the spectator about the power and complexity of nature and, also, the varied possibilities we have to interpret and live it.





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