Majid Ezati Mosleh


    Роден в: Tehran (Iran) на 16 Септември 1983.

    Понастоящем живея в: Tehran (Iran).


    Dr. Majid Ezati Mosleh specializes in the field of power electric, for the first time, has introduced the metaphorical conceptual and abstract art style by spidery technique. 
    He using of oil, herbal, chemical, epoxy, magnetic, static paints,   and also by using of special magnetic and static brushes and the magnetic and electrostatic properties of paints to create artworks and paintings manually on the canvas with a very specific sense of experience, by a very distinctive and special way, and quite purposefully and with predefined goals and thoughts.
    He was born in 1983 in Tehran. He has been very fond of painting and art since childhood. He has several international, national, provincial and academic honors, and is the most elite academic student and young in the country. Since 2015, he quite seriously and by a very intense emotional and with much enthusiasm has begun to create his own artworks by using of Spidery technique.
    His purpose in painting with spidery technique is to, he wants metaphorically portray all human emotions and the relations and communications between humans and the universe on the painting canvas.





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