Alessia Piacitelli


    Urodzona w: Moscow (Russian Federation) 19 marzec 2001.

    Obecnie mieszkający: Moscow (Russian Federation).


    I was born on Moscow, Russia in 2001 to a Russian mother and an Italian father. Since I was a child my parents would educate in me the love for the Arts and culture. When I was 7 years old I started playing the flute professionally and it quickly became a passion. However when I was 15 I decided to broaden my horizons and discover the world of painting. It was extremely hard at the beginning, as I thought I was wasting years of practice to do something unknown to me. After 2 years of a Russian Academic Art School I got a summer job as a stage designer in a summer camp. I was 18, and that was a revolutionary experience for me, as I understood how infinite, unusual and inspirational art can be when leaving an academic institution. In October 2019 I took part in a Plain-air organised by the Ministry of culture of Crimea. In July 2020 I became one of the finalists of the contest “Startup as a form of art” and my painting was broadcasted in a LED screen in the center of Moscow. I want to create my own unique and incredible path in the world of art.





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