Kartik Kartik


    Urodzony w: Dehradun (India) 25 październik 1991.

    Obecnie mieszkający: Nantes (France).

    Malarstwo; Fotografia; Wideo ; Instalacje; Technika mieszana;



         I first started with drawing in my childhood at the age of 13 and later it went on to choosing art as optional subject with science. It was that time when i generated and explored art with my professor who was himself a potrait and amazing watercolor artist. After completing my secondary school i chose to study BFA in painting from delhi. From 2009 to 2013 i studied art in various forms of mediums, like Painting, Drawing, Pring making, Mural, Photography, and ofcourse theory. I was enjoying the learning and implementations in art, it was like fun and yet very self involving. I participated in many art exhibitions and camps but was still confused about where it was going. In 2013 when i finished my graduation i started working as a freelance paiter. I did my first solo exhibition in 2014 and step by step was growing my knowledge and experience. I worked with many artist and group exhibitions and started giving lessong over drawing and painting at the age of 22. I was not content and had a zest to grow further from there.  A big change came in my life at that time and with great luck i met an artist name Karna Puri who is a skilled painter and at that time was a head of the art department in one of the prestigious schools. We became great friends and started spending lot of time in his studio. I worked under his guidancs and improved my drawing and painting skills and left my job and other works. I was dedicated, talented and smart to make my ways out in a society like India where they don't really value art and visual artists. It was difficult as its a job of transmitting an idea which is invisible but make sense to you ! I was happy working but at one side my life was disbalanced at home with my parents. They wanted me to get a job and marry. It could not work out with them so august 2015 i left my home and started wandering in search of a way to lead my visions. I was stronge headed and by lot of efforts i managed to live on my own in the barrens of north India at the age of 25. This turned out to be the most effective choice i have ever made. After wandering and couching at places with my sketchbooks, canvases and materials i got my first big break through a friend. Karna was commissioned to do a huge mura in a city of Pune in south india and he asked me to join him in this project. At the time when i was struggelling with money and place to like, It gave me both. I flew as soon as my tickets were sorted. It was a lifetime experience to work 12 days on a big brazialian mural in a restaurant called Boteco and it got famous with time. I also got lot of money and decided to settle and work in a new city called Goa. I spent 2 and a half years there and made my way through art world to be an independent artist. I did works like Installations, Space and interieur designs and Painting. I also started a new series of works of drawing and painting the historical places and nature works which i am still continueing and have accomplished more tahn 200 works from North to south india and north to south of Europe. In between 2016 and 2018 i did lot of mural painting in India and designed restaurants and stores. In 2017 after finnishing another mural with the same brazialian clients in Mumbai i got a chance to come to Europe and do paintings over landscapes and city scapes. I grabbed the opportunity and flew here. My whole Europe experience was splendour and i visited and painted places like Amsterdam, Rotterdam , Antwerp, Munic, Venice, Riva del gard, Austria, Cortina and Paris. It grew my confidance and i even sold my sketches at a price i never dreampt of. I decided that this is a place i belong and wished to come back asap. When i went back to india i got lot of projects and i got busy woorking. I was designing a big restaurant and giving classes over drawing and painting to prepare students for their college entries. I also started my own bisiness of T-shirt design with the name of'"KVRcreations". As i was busy doing all of this i didnt forget my promise to return to Europe. In januray 2018 i applied for L'E'cole des Beaux-Arts in France and got selected. I gave time to finish all my projects and windup all my works to move to Europe. I arrived in Italy on 20th august and got setteles to study further in a city called nantes in France. I live here now and still Creating Art. I walk 12 km every day and Paint and sketch my moments which all alone give me the whole pleasure of life. I know i have skills and talent but still assembling new ideas to work, so one day very soon i will be amongst the great artist who gives me inspiration and motivation to believe in Art. It is not just a subject but a whole plylosophie of life in itself. I am still painting cities and daily landscapes and recently came back from south Italy. I have a wish to publish my sketchbooks and enter competitions. I will find a way from anywhere to reach my goal , just a matter of from where and in how much time. 

    Thankyou :) 

    Kartik Kartik           






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