
Penny Arvin - United States of America

This piece was conceived in a cocktail of boredom and inadequacy, sliding down my gullet and settling in my stomach, reminding me that I exist. Living with bpd heightens the intensity of life by ten. The artwork exemplifies the debilitating self doubt and pain of disappearing experienced when struggling with creative block. A wooden, marionette-like figure is pictured with a spherical entity in a liminal background, channeling the raw vulnerability of an alley. Both spirits appear as ephemeral and unfinished, as their existence lies solely in this definite snapshot in time. Standing erect and expectant of punishment, blue laments in the alley, consequently confirming and denying himself. The uncensored immediacy of the work evokes a sense of self awareness experienced by the hollow.  “Articulation” portrays the spiritual exasperation of its creator while addressing the paradoxical absurdity of its conception.



Artwork Details

Painting - Acrylic
Artwork Size - Width 60.96 | Height 76.2 | Depth 1.27
Created on 21 January 2024

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