
Brigitte Schindler


Born in: Germany on 12, 1972.

Currently living: Munich (Germany).

Activity: Photography;

1972: Born near Munich, Germany

1992-95: Studies of Fine Arts,  Art Education and History of Art

at Ludwig-Maximillians-University (LMU), Munich, Germany -

Graduation: State Examination

2009-2010: Studies of Professional Photography at NYIP, New York, USA -

Graduation: Professional Photographer with distinction

5/2010: Merit Awards for Photo Projects 1, 2 (NYIP, New York, USA))

12/2010: Merit Awards for Photo Projects 3, 4, 5, and 6 (NYIP, New York, USA)

8/2014: Double winner of the Biancoscuro Art Contest in the category photography - Award "Mostra personale" and "Giuria popolare" (Biancoscuro Art Magazine, Italy) 

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