
Celine Ali


Born in: Constanta (Romania) on 6 July 1997.

Currently living: Constanta (Romania).

Activity: Painting;

Celine Ali         


birth date: 6.07.1997
studies: 1st to 4th grade - 29th School of Constanta;
              5th grade to present - National College of Arts "Queen Maria";
2009 - "Amfora" exhibition - (group exhibition) - at Amfora Gallery, Constanta, Romania;
2009 - 4th place on Children's International Art Contest "Unity in Diversity - Francophony 2009"
2009 - Personal Exhibition - at County Library, Constanta, Romania
2009 - (group exhibition) - at Amfora Gallery, Constanta, Romania;
2011 - Spring Exhibition - at Amfora Gallery, Constanta, Romania;
2011 - 2nd place on International Art Contest of Craiova City, Romania
2011 - 20th International Children's Painting Competition on the Environment under UNEP
2011 - Young Artist Award for Painting at the Biennale of Chianciano - Italy - link -
2011 - Invited to the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Santa Isabel de Hungría SEVILLA
2012 - Admitted to class of architecture of art college Queen Mary - Constanta
2012 - Invited to the Winter Exhibition of students of the Art University Ovidius-Constanta
2013 - Participant in the Spring Art Salon-Bucharest
2013 - Personal exhibition under the auspices of the Turkish Democratic Union Constanta in- Turkish Youth Cultural Festival

Currently preparing personal exhibition to be held in 2013.

More about me on my website:

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celineartist celine

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