
Fitra Jaya


Born in: Sungai Penuh (Indonesia) on 12, 1967.

Currently living: Jakarta (Indonesia).

Activity: Painting;

Fitrajaya Nusananta was born in the Province of Jambi (Central Sumatra, Indonesia) in 1967, and grew up in Riau and West-Sumatra. Since then he has moved many times, to other parts of the world and back again. We should therefore consider him to be a global artist. He received his first and most important training from his father, the painter Sabri Jamal (alumni of ASRI Yogya 1965), and added an academic education in fine art at the University of Padang (then called FPBS IKIP Padang). In Europe he complemented his studies with various art courses and numerous visits to artistic centers and museums. His first exposition experiences were in Padang, and already during his studies he had his first solo exposition in Jakarta. Shortly after his graduation Fitrajaya started to show his paintings to the Dutch public in various solo and group expositions. Since then he has exposed numerous times, sometimes elsewhere in Europe (Belgium, Spain), sometimes in Asia (Indonesia, Korea). 

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