
Gustavo Rincón Moreno


Born in: Cali (Colombia) on 25 June 1969.

Currently living: Brasilia (Brazil).

Activity: Painting; Installation; Sculpture;

Born in Cali (Colombia) start painting when he was 14Th, but his love for medicine made him to go to the medical school and graduated in 1994 in medicine, instead never stop painting. Traveled to NY in 1996 where visited galleries and art museums and helped to support his own selling art works at the Central Park. Moved to Brazil in 1997 to become a plastic surgeon, his actual main profession. Art is the main porpouse of his life, as a plastic surgeon or as a painter or sculptor. Actually his art work is defined as neo-expressionist painted with acrylic and oil on canvas, wood, metal and paper. His sculptures are made of metal, wood, glass and instalations.

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