
Massimiliano Occhetto

Born in: Italy on 1 September 1973.

Currently living: Spain.


Massimiliano Occhetto is a talented street photographer and artist whose work is deeply inspired by the groundbreaking infuences of Man Ray and Marcel Duchamp. Drawing from the avant-garde and innovative approaches of these iconic artists, Massimiliano has forged his own path in the world of photography, infusing his images with a sense of artistic experimentation and creative vision.

Fascinated by the surrealism and conceptual art pioneered by Man Ray and Marcel Duchamp, Massimiliano Occhetto has sought to capture the essence of their revolutionary spirit through his street photography. Embracing unconventional angles, abstract compositions, and unexpected juxtapositions, he injects a sense of artistic depth and intrigue into his work, inviting viewers to contemplate the world through a new lens.

Driven by a passion for art and a desire to share his unique vision with a global audience, Massimiliano embarked on a new adventure by launching his own website to sell artwork around the world. Through this online platform, he seeks to connect with art lovers and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds, ofering them a glimpse into his captivating images and artistic concepts.

With a keen eye for detail, a love for experimentation, and a dedication to pushing the boundaries of traditional photography, Massimiliano Occhetto continues to inspire and captivate audiences with his evocative street photography. His ability to infuse everyday moments with a touch of surrealism and artistic fair sets him apart as a truly original voice in the contemporary art world.

As he expands his reach and shares his artistry with audiences across the globe, Massimiliano Occhetto remains committed to exploring new horizons, challenging conventions, and pushing the limits of visual storytelling. Through his dynamic images, he invites us to see the world in a new light, encouraging us to embrace the beauty and complexity that surrounds us.


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