
Michael Mcleod

Born in: United States of America on 12 February 1981.

Currently living: Los Angeles (United States of America).

Activity: Painting;

From the Time I was able to hold a pen Ive been using art to bring imagination to life. My family supported my young imagination and did what they could to keep a pen in my hand. As i grew so did my interest in art, from cartooning to the abstract to dark art. While in art school at RMCAD in Lake Wood Colorado i found new intrest in realism, but sadly could not afford to stay in school. i returned to my home in los angeles and searched for a way to be creative in the real world. I soon found myself working in a tattoo shop in LA which not only gave me a wide feild of art to explore it also allowed me to travel and meet other artist. which I loved. I did this for about 5 years until the economy shut down my six month old shop in Hollywood CA i was frustraded with the times so I packed my stuff and moved to Australia for a year where i fallowed local street artist and and the urban street movements through australia. After a year in AUS i ended up in hong kong to started mapping out my portfolio but because of lack of space i neede to create in a more open environment which lead me back here to Los Angeles where i am spending my time painting and drawing.  I find myself drawn towards a mix of cultural characters, science, nature as well as the human condition. Im constantly trying to blur the lines between these subjects. I am always looking for connections that I try to translate in my work.

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