
Paula Moura


Born in: Angola (Portugal) on 6 February 1968.

Currently living: Mafra (Portugal).


Paula Moura born on February 6, 1968, in Malange, Angola. She has been painting since he was 2 years old: "My mother one day in a store asked me if I wanted a doll or a stroller (because I loved both). I chose a box of watercolors and 1 brush. mother (lace quilt) I started my painting." She has always painted, with watercolors, gouaches, colored pencils... Not having attended painting classes, she claims to be guided by God “to justify” her innate talent.. "Painting is part of my life.". Her passion for painting led her to paint fabrics, an area where she specializes, and which is her passion. From wedding dresses to haute couture dresses, she also counts on her resume with painting shoes and men's suits.. Multifaceted, Paula Moura paints in different materials (canvas, fabrics, wood...) and with different materials (acrylic, resin...) and any theme that inspires her. She dedicates herself to the cause of the homeless and the animal cause, contributing with part of the profit of her works. Paula Moura defines herself as a simple, human and fair person. And it is her prerogative that art should be accessible to as many people as possible

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