
ramona Gholamrezaei


Born in: Teheran (Iran) on 19 June 1978.

Currently living: Teheran (Iran).


My name is Romina. I was born in 1978 in Tehran and I have been very interested in colors since I was a child. I always had a wonderful feeling of beautiful and different colors when I went to nature. I drew my first painting when I was 6 years old and received a package of watercolors and crayons. I was very happy to receive the award from the kindergarten teacher.
At the age of 7, when I started elementary school, I became the first student in the school during the 7 months of painting competitions. From the age of 10, a painting group was formed at the school.
From the age of 25, I followed with interest the educational film of Master Bob Ross.
From the age of 28 until now, I have painted many works using acrylic paint
The most important topics of my works
Love in the community

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