
Ryohei Okuno


Born in: 和歌山 (Japan) on 8 October 1980.

Currently living: 和歌山県 (Japan).


奥野亮平 1980年10月8日生まれ 奥野亮平は日常、障害を持つ人達とアートや音楽活動しながら自らの創作活動をしている。絵描き、イラストレーター、廃材アート、裁縫と1つのジャンルにこだわらず、創作をも1つの旅のようにぐるぐると回る。 幼少の頃に漫画家鳥山明の画集に出会い、絵を描く事のカッコ良さを知り、好奇心旺盛な性格からか自力で自転車の改造、椅子のリメイクなどをするうちに物を作る事の喜びを感じる。それを自分の精神バランスを保つ手段として独自で突き進めていく。 彼は、絵の手法として決まった形はなく、細密画や版画など日々変化する好みのものを雑食的に取り入れ、そこに欠かせないのがユーモアと言うスパイス。 旅先で出会ったモノ、人、音楽などに強く影響を受け、とくに少数派の気持ちを覗いてみたり、時には頭の中に乗り移ろうとする。そこで感じた事は日常に戻ると忘れてしまいそうになるから線や点、在る物で覚え書きの様にえがく。すると決まって喜怒哀楽の化身がうまれてくるのだ。それは普段生活の中では表に出しにくい感情を吐き出す行為、場合によっては後戻りが出来なくなり完成後深く傷つく事もあるが、それらを解放し、介抱する事によって自分の安心感や他人に優しくできる心の余裕を手に入れる事が出来るのである。画材や紙、額装にも廃材を使用し捨てられていた物に光を当て、ありふれた物よりも飛び抜けた何かを見出す行為を作品に詰め込んでいく。それらを探求する旅のような創作活動である。 Pongri Ryohei Okuno Born October 8th, 1980 Pongri Ryohei Okuno creates art and music with those with disabilities while at the same time pursuing his own creative practice. Not committed to a single medium, Pongri's work travels through a range of styles including painting, illustration, art made with repurposed wood, and textile art. He came to see drawing as cool after encountering the work of cartoonist Akira Toriyama as a child, and his curious nature lead him to begin modifying bicycles and customizing chairs on his own. Through this, he discovered the joy of creating. Today, he continues to pursue his art as a way of maintaining mental balance in his life. Pongri doesn't have a set technique for creating his work. Instead, his omnivorous approach leads him to incorporate an ever-changing lineup of his favorite techniques, including detailed illustrations and woodcut prints, all spiced with his indispensable sense of humor. Strongly influenced by the things, people, and music he has encountered through his travels, he is particularly interested in getting a glimpse of the feelings of minority groups and occasionally attempting to walk in their shoes. Upon returning to everyday life, Pongri creates records for himself using lines, points, and objects to prevent him from forgetting these experiences. Through this, incarnations of the range of human emotions are born. Bringing up feelings that are difficult to express in our everyday life can sometimes result in deep pain or situations that can't be taken back. However, releasing and caring for these feelings results in a sense of safety and peace that gives us the mental space we need to be able to show kindness to others. Shining light on the recycled materials he uses as drawing materials and the scrap wood used for his frames, Pongri's work is full of found objects that stand out from the everyday. His work is like a quest in search of these discoveries.

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