
Saejin Choi

Born on: 15 March 1983.

Currently living: GLASGOW (United Kingdom).

Activity: Painting; Photography; Video; Installation; Sculpture; Digital Graphics; Performance;


“Grand Opening” of “Closing Down”

We are living on the gap between economy and economics which dazzles us with highly complicated financial skills of making profits. It is a smoky magic show of evaporating rigid values and objects to digitized numbers in the Wall street.

In the marginalized area of this economic centre, small industries die young or are ended up being adopted to financial industry with magical and swift transaction. Streets are filled with grand openings of shops selling cheap and ropy stock collected from other bankrupt shops.

Just like we were spectator of our own culture as Debord said in 60's, we are now spectator of our economy. Economic decisions has been delegated to the ‘financial experts.’ Accordingly, economics became huge fiction or Planet Hollywood. We are lacking realism of economy. The best way to have reality check is to poke yourself: the best way to have reality check on the economy is to disturb economy with jokes and experiments.  

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