
Stefano Popovski

Born on: 14 May 1964.

Currently living: Castellon (Spain).

Activity: Painting; Digital Graphics;

Stefano Popovski was born in 1964 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Since 2004 is living in Castellon, Spain.
- Fine Arts College 1979-1983 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Fine Arts Academy - 1985-1990 V. Tirnovo, Bulgaria (Licensee of Fine Arts)

Works mainly in oil and acrylic. Favorite themes are abstract, still life, landscape, etc.
Works also with digital medias like fractals, 3D, vector art etc. His fractals feature traditional media look and figurative themes.

The artist features several private exhibitions in local and international galleries.
He takes part in group regional exhibitions. Some of his works are in private collections in Sweden, Norway, Germany, UK, Ireland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Spain and other countries.

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