
Zuzana Kieferová


Born in: Prague (Czech Republic) on 16 February 1984.

Currently living: Prague 3 (Czech Republic).

Activity: Painting;




name:                                                    Zuzana Kieferová


personal data:                 adress:          V Zahrádkách 9/2854

                                                               Prague 3, 130 00

                                        tel:                     +420 723820370


date and place of birth:                     16.2. 1984, Prague

nationality:             Czech

marital status:        single


2012     MgA.

2006 -2012  Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

                     studio of painting by prof. J. Sopko


 (2009 - internship: Academy of arts, architecture and design in Prague, studio of  Kurt Gebauer

2010 - internship: Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Den Haag)

2005/2006 College of Vaclav Hollar,

interactive graphics

2004  post-secondary studies in English Language

2003 graduation exam

1999 - 2003 Secondary school of Art textile crafts

Study: Textile Arts

language: English

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